Who We Are: We, the members of St. Joseph Roman Catholic Parish are a diverse family of God united in His Son, Jesus Christ, and guided by the Holy Spirit. The love of Christ is alive in us and through us, formed through the Gospel and Eucharist.
What We Do: We as God's beloved aspire to be a living example through these goals:
To see the Lord in all around us and reach out to all God's children.
To serve one another by being involved, encouraging all parishioners to be active in building the Kingdom of God.
To strive to be listening, praising, worshipping, serving and loving people visibly supporting and ministering to one another, so that we can live the Gospel of Jesus Chri
What We Value And Believe:
We are the Living Body of Jesus Christ, united in our unrelenting belief in the
Holy Eucharist, joined by the eternal presence of the Holy Spirit and graciously
blessed though the liturgies and sacraments.
Our Covenant With Each Other: We shall pursue this mission as instruments of the Holy Spirit, supporting
God's community with our Time, Talents and Treasures