New books in the library include many new titles for young readers ages 10-12, plus some great vintage titles for adults.
If your child is just now enjoying chapter books, he or she might like to read some of the new saint books we have. These easy readers are published by the Daughters of St. Paul. Just a couple of our titles include St. John Bosco and St. Vincent de Paul. These are in the Youth section, just above the games and puzzles.
Some other books of interest to that age level are Let’s Visit the Vatican and Joan of Arc, also in the Youth section.
For children who like the books with lots of pictures and interesting descriptions, we have a set of books from Dorling Kindersley with many details of Bible stories. Find out what it was like during the time period!
We have a treasure to share with those of you who enjoy old books. One is Around the Year with the Trapp Family by Maria von Trapp! It is in the Family Life section. Four books were donated that were authored by Francis Parkinson Keyes. She traveled to France to write the biography of St. Therese called Therese: Saint of a Little Way. Her other books are The Grace of Guadalupe (in the Saint section), Tongues of Fire (biography), and Roses in December (biography).