New Books June 2013
The following books will be featured on the New Books shelf through July. In August, we will move them to the sections noted in parenthesis at the end of the paragraphs.
The Infertility Companion for Catholics: Spiritual and Practical Support for Couples Copyright in just 2012, with chapters such as “What Does the Catholic Church Have to Do with Infertility?” “Treatment Options for Catholics,” and “Bearing the Cross: A Spirituality of Infertility,” this book is a comprehensive help for anyone trying to understand infertility in light of God’s love. It is written by Angelique Ruhi-Lopez and Carmen Santamaria with a foreward by John and Claire Grabowski, members of the Pontifical Council for the Family. It has an imprimatur. (Marriage)
“Atheists read this book at their peril.” What a powerful review! This statement by Joseph Pearce is a good reason for anyone to read Reason to Believe: Why Faith Makes Sense by Richard Purtill. The first section of the book goes through objections. Then, it has chapters on Reasons, and finally, on Revelation. (Apologetics)
Hmm… a Bishop and a priest not liking each other so much that the bishop told the priest to have all the books ready for him to check on his annual visit because he would only be able to spend ten minutes. Situations like this really happen. In this case, it came to healing. Just one of the true stories written by Fr. Tom McGettrick in the collection Inspired by Others. (Inspiration)
If your protestant friend really questions you on why Catholicism does not follow the Bible, and you aren’t sure how to answer, this book will give you some answers. Even if you don’t have that situation, you might want to read the chapter “A Biblical Theology of the Mass” for your own benefit. The Catholic Church and the Bible by Peter M.J. Strainskas. (Apologetics)
We have a new book in Spanish about the Catholic faith in question in answer format. It is called La Iglesia Catolica y Las Sectas: Preguntas y Respuestas, written by Father Flaviano Amatulli Valente. (Spanish, Catholic Faith)
36 years as an evangelical minister… you’d think he’d be pretty dedicated to that and so a conversion to Catholicism would have many questions along the way. You’re right. Rome is Home by Earl Jabay documents his journey, and can evoke a sense of, oh, yes, it is wonderful for those of us who have been Catholics for 36 years or so! (Catholic Faith)
Las Navidades: Popular Christmas Songs from Latin America is a sweet collection of songs in Spanish and English with descriptions/explanations. (Children’s, blue tags)
Does the flame of your spiritual pilot light need to be fanned by the Holy Spirit? Listening to the Catholic radio station one day, I heard the host mention and recommend the new book Catholics Come Home by Tom Peterson. Imagine my delight when within a week of that mention, I found someone had donated the book to our library! This isn’t just for people who have been away from the Church physically, but those of us who need a recharge and a reminder of “God’s Extraordinary Plan” for our lives. (Spirituality)
As a mother of six, I often hear the phrase, “I don’t see how you do it!” There’s an interesting answer in the booklet Handbook for Parents by Father Paul Wickens. “Difficulties and troubles do not multiply geometrically. In other words, if there is a degree of work in raising two children, the work is not doubled if there are four. The average woman – if she has the time to be a woman – has an infinite capacity to handle children. She has the God-given knack of seeing that older children assist in the care of the younger ones. Maternal instincts, if imbued by faith, are miraculous in their depth of power and wisdom.” So, thank you, Lord, for that! Even if you haven’t been blessed by so many children, you can use advice given in this nuts and bolts book for parents. (Parenting)