Mark De Los Santos: Council 13470 extends its sincere congratulations to our past Student of the Month and National Spelling Bee participant. Mark was one of only the very few to make it to the sixth round of the semi-final competition at the Scripps National Spelling Bee. The Knights of Columbus Council are proud of you and your achievement. We know we will see even bigger and better things from you in the future. We look forward to when you reach 18 and can join us as a brother Knight of Columbus.
Knights of Columbus Web Site: Look up officer job descriptions. New officers & membersupdate YOUR personal information. at KofC Go to Uknights site, Council 13470 or call Dave Melcher at 682-422-3505.
Knight Upcoming events:
If you are a Catholic man over 18 with a “Passion to Serve” your church, your faith, and your community and directly help in these and many other projects, consider joining. Ask any Knight or Call:
Bill Carney ( 817-798-1500) Carl Gant (817-691-5049) Dan Norman (817-419-8227)
Grand Knight Program Director Recruitment Director
Catholic ladies: If you would like to work with the Knights and serve our Catholic Community, contact the St Joseph KofC Ladies Auxiliary President Linda King, at 214-796-9392. We can serve together!